Serving North Alabama

Aggregate Material Company  
Serving North Alabama

Dirt, Rock, Gravel, Sand & Soil Delivery & Spreading Services
Our Services
As one of the largest aggregate providers in North Alabama, Bama Dirt supplies residential construction aggregate for jobs of every size. With safety and quality as the driving forces of our business, we're able to supply our residential customers with quality materials to fulfill any of their aggregate needs. With a vast inventory ready to move and an on-site fleet of trucks, Bama Dirt ensures both competitive pricing and on-time delivery to your home or job site.

North Alabama

Residential Gravel Services

If you need landscaping rocks or gravel for driveways, walkways, or landscaping beds, Bama Dirt offers the finest quality landscape aggregate materials in the North Alabama area. Whether you are landscaping a new home or maintaining or repairing your driveway, we can deliver the right materials directly to your property. If you are looking for the best rock and gravel supplier in North Alabama, consider Bama Dirt, LLC. Call us today at (256) 740-7406 to discuss how we can help you complete your next landscaping project.
  • Crush & Run
  • Crusher Run
  • Limestone
  • Rip Rap
  • 57s
  • 89s
  • #4s
bamadirt north alabama rock sand services
bamadirt north alabama dirt and sod services

North Alabama

Residential Dirt & Sod Services

We are a leader in dirt, sand, soil & sod material sales in North Alabama. We provide aggregate materials and products to homeowners, professional landscapers, and commercial property owners. We have a vast selection dirt, fill dirt, sand, topsoil, and sod avaialble for delivery to your home.

We understand that your project takes takes planning, and that calculating quantities and estimating costs can be difficult. Our friendly staff can help with both your material options and delivery options.
  • Chert
  • Fill Dirt
  • Top soil
  • Dirt
  • Sod
  • Sand
  • Pea
  • River Rock
What We Do.

North Alabama Land Services

From residential driveways repair to French Drains, we always provide the highest quality of work to exceed your expectations. Our knowledgeable crew can clear your property, prepare your site, or dig up your lot. Call Bama Dirt today for a free estimate and site evaluation.

bamadirt driveway repair north alabama

Driveway Repair

bamadirt new construction driveway north al

New Construction Driveways

bamadirt culvert installation services north alabama

Culvert Work

bamadirt erosion control rip rap north al

Erosion Control / Rip Rap

bamadirt commercial parking lots

Commercial Parking Lots

bamadirt residential topsoil installation north al

Residential Topsoil

bamadirt sod installation north alabama

Sod Installation

bamadirt swimming pool fill in north al

Pool Fill-ins

Based in the heart of the Shoals, we serve areas of North Alabama including the Florence, Rogersville, Killen, Athens, Huntsville, Decatur, Cullman, Moulton, Hartselle, Sheffield, Tuscumbia and more. If you have a question about whether we'll come to you, give us a call at (256) 740-7406 to learn more.

Why Choose Bama Dirt for Your Aggregate Material Needs?

icon checkmarkWe provide prompt, fair and accurate estimates to our residential clients on the spot.
icon checkmarkFully licensed, bonded and insured gives you peace of mind during and after the job is complete.
icon checkmarkWe believe we have the best customer service around. We employ kind and courteous experts of our industry.
icon checkmarkWe only provide highest quality materials on each and every job. Our fully stocked yard will serve all of your material needs.
Emergency Service is Available. Call (256) 740-7406
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We strive to produce and provide high quality, affordable site materials and services for the North Alabama residential market. We believe that honesty, integrity, experience, attention to detail and outstanding customer service are the key components to success in our industry. We pride ourselves on building personal relationships with our customers, and satisfying their needs is our top priority at Bama Dirt.
signature nick jaynes bamadirt north alabama
Nick Jaynes, Owner / Operator at Bama Dirt
© 2020 Bama Dirt: Concrete, Gravel, Rock, Sand, Soil - Florence, Rogersville, Athens AL · North Alabama Aggregate Materials · All rights reserved · Webunderdog · Sitemap
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