Yes. It is dormant and there is no issue with laying sod in the winter.
The key is to not over water your new sod. Watering requirements depend on the weather and time of year you lay sod. For example, in the Spring, you may need to water an hour every other day. In the heat of the summer, you may need to water for an hour each day. It all depends on the humidity and heat of the year.
If you know what you need or have already ordered a load of material and are sure what you want, please call. We prefer you to come in first to order products you're not familiar with before we deliver. We will not accept returns on natural products like rocks and gravel so it's important to see what you're buying beforehand.
Medium gravel provides enough weight for your piping, while allowing the water to flow without taking the gravel with it. Pea gravel and oversize gravel are also available if you would prefer smaller or larger gravel.